Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hot and Cold

Lesa and I are both natives of the Buckeye State (Ohio) and know something about weather 'flexibility'. Yesterday, she saw that the temperature in northeast Ohio (her home) was 68 degrees, while my father (southern Ohio) said it was 91 in my home town. I am sure that there were people in each location who would have preferred the temperature of the other...based on their personal perspective or situation.

This morning, I read about two adjacent cities who each had a special water supply, one a 'hot' spring and the other a cold, fresh mountain spring. Surely there were some who would have preferred the temperature of the other's water...based on their personal perspective or situation. To meet the need of an individual would take intentional effort.

As I read, God reminded me that every person is not going to be touched by the same approach...based on their perspective or personal situation. And the same is true in a house (like mine) with four incredible kids and a wonderful 'snow belt' beauty. I must discern their individual perspectives, situations and needs rather than being a husband and father who does everything in the temperature with which I am most comfortable.

1 comment:

CRJ/DJS said...

I am caughtup Art. Thanks for writing. Thanks for Saturday with the planters.