Monday, June 9, 2008

Life Interruptions

Last night, we began a journey group study in our home entitled, "Life Interruptions". We had such a good time with our new summer Bible study group and were moved by the message from Louie Giglio about the way our plans get interrupted...sometimes by God and other times by the normal course of life. Our response in those times really does show what we believe about God, even in the minor distractions. Just when we think we have life all under control, BAM! God reminds us that we really control nothing.

It really prepared me for this morning. I came into the office early and planned out my day...and my week. But within an hour...BAM! I ended up spending the majority of my day at the hospital with a dear saint of God and her family as she is facing what appears to be her home going. Here I am near the end of the work day (like there really is one in ministry) and I am looking at my plan. Well, it's about half completed. But it really doesn't matter that much.

So, I think I'll turn the computer off and run back to the hospital and check on my dear sister in Christ. What a privilege to have your day interrupted with something so remind us that the stuff I planned to do today was not as important as I thought.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Somethings Take Time

I was reading this morning in the Bible about a period where the nation of Israel had strayed from God. They took the first step of inviting God back into their lives, but it took 20 years of being sorrowful before God spoke to them in a way that helped them to move on. Then they were given instruction on what to do and as they were obedient, they saw God do incredible things...including restoring all of the territory that had been taken from them by their enemies.

Two things stuck out for my life, as well as for our country and our church. First, life did not stop while they were 'lamenting' the error of their ways and their rejection of God. They still had to go to work, feed their kids, etc. Life went on...everyday. Secondly, God did not tell them to 'lament' for 20 was just the time when God knew that they were ready to hear from Him and ready to be obedient. But they had to wait...a long time.

When it comes to our relationship with God, we so often get in a hurry (or hurry others) to 'get on with life'. We have a false sense of life, as if it stops while we work on restoring our relationships. Life does not stop when relationships are strained or broken. Most broken or strained relationships don't just happen in a moment of time. We need to be careful to allow Godly sorrow to run its course in our lives...sometimes it just takes time for it to do its work so that we do not quickly make the same mistakes again.

Based on this story from the Bible, the nation of Israel (in time) was ready to corporately move on in obedience to God. Yes, everyone was 20 years older and it may seem to have been wasted years in their lives...and it was to the extent that had they been obedient in the beginning it would have never happened. But to an infinite God who is not on a calendar, it was just a speck in the course of eternity. But their first step was to invite and allow God to dwell with them again.

When we have broken relationships, the first step is to sincerely invite that person back into our lives. However, we cannot expect that everything just moves on immediately. We need to give it time. Maybe you have been away from God for what seems like a long time of wasted years...there is hope. God can restore your life. The first step is to invite Him into your dwell in you, your home, your heart. He desires it. Do we?

(1 Samuel 5-7)

Monday, June 2, 2008


This has been one of the busiest seasons in the life of our family and ministry. And as we do more in the lives of our children, our church, and community, it seems so easy to fail to communicate effectively or in a timely manner. The interesting thing that I am learning is that as I put off focusing on communicating better, the more stressed I become and the more appologies I have to make.

Why? I am reminded that our lives are about glorifying God (for certain), but they are not lived or lived out on an island. But rather, they are lived out with and through other people. I have to do a better job.

All week, last week, I knew that I needed to confirm the use of our neighborhood building for a small group fellowship...and then communicate that to the people who were going to be a part of our small groups. However, I kept putting off locating the number to call, and did not do it until Saturday night. Sunday morning, I made a quick announcement, put out a sign-up sheet, and was a bit dissappointed when only 2 families signed-up. That was not the big 'ahah' moment. It was when one family called at 6:00 p.m. and wondered where we were meeting. (We weren't until next Friday.) Another family called as well. I really blew it.

The really sad part is that this was not the only blunder for the week. So I am confessing that I will do better...because people matter. It even forced me to clarify a few things within our family last night about our week. Heaven help us to communicate and not to procrastinate. If you think we think we are too busy to communicate effectively, the reality is that we are too busy to communicate with anything less than full effort.