Monday, June 9, 2008

Life Interruptions

Last night, we began a journey group study in our home entitled, "Life Interruptions". We had such a good time with our new summer Bible study group and were moved by the message from Louie Giglio about the way our plans get interrupted...sometimes by God and other times by the normal course of life. Our response in those times really does show what we believe about God, even in the minor distractions. Just when we think we have life all under control, BAM! God reminds us that we really control nothing.

It really prepared me for this morning. I came into the office early and planned out my day...and my week. But within an hour...BAM! I ended up spending the majority of my day at the hospital with a dear saint of God and her family as she is facing what appears to be her home going. Here I am near the end of the work day (like there really is one in ministry) and I am looking at my plan. Well, it's about half completed. But it really doesn't matter that much.

So, I think I'll turn the computer off and run back to the hospital and check on my dear sister in Christ. What a privilege to have your day interrupted with something so remind us that the stuff I planned to do today was not as important as I thought.

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

Art, I really feel that the study we are now working in is preparing us all for that "interruption" that will focus our attention back to where it belongs - on GOD! God bless you. Ronnie