Monday, August 27, 2007

Fantasy Football Lessons

I am a firm believer that God ordained the family...and that parents are responsible for raising their own children. However, though I would not agree with Chelsea's mom about it taking all of society to raise our kids, I was reminded yesterday about the faithfulness of God to place great men in the lives of my kids to influence them for the good of the Kingdom.

This Saturday, our boys will attend their 4th Fantasy Football draft...just in time for the NFL season to kick-off. Yesterday, in the middle of an afternoon when most dads would be on the couch, one dad/son was touring the homes of previous league participants to interview them for a video his son was making. We watched the end of the Little League World Series together with some incredible interaction. I was reminded of God's soveriegn grace in helping us to prepare our kids for adulthood...even though I realize it is our responsibility. Thanks Mr. K.

1 comment:

Steve Ellis said...

nice words from a dad spending some time raising some men!
blessings - nice blog!!!!