Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fantasy Football - Part 2

After writing about the influence of a dad and a fantasy football league yesterday, I came home to find my son (Jared) figuring out how to start a league of his own. (It was free...and pretty easy to set-up.) I was initially resistant...but then it hit me. Instead of being resistant, why don't I play. Right now, he's on the phone contacting some friends/relatives with whom we normally are not able to be engaged on a regular basis, about playing with us. Something we could do together...even across the miles. What a great tool the internet could be...playing a weekly game with some folks you love. Thanks again Mr. K for your timely influence as I could have missed the incredible opportunity with my kids...and more. Now, I can't wait for the draft this weekend...GO HORNETS! (My team)

1 comment:

CRJ/DJS said...

I want in the league Art.