Thursday, August 2, 2007

Gotta Lose Weight

There is nothing like the feeling you get when you say, "I really need to lose 10 pounds." Only to have your wife verbally agree. As I was recovering from the shock of this scene, she reminded me of the facts.

A year ago, I thought there was something seriously wrong as I was experiencing blurred vision, chest pains, and severe headaches. One primary care physician, a cardiologist, an opthamologist, a neurologist, an MRI, and a bunch of blood tests later...the diagnosis was STRESS.

After being cleared to travel, I then went on a 3 week mission trip to Uganda. Life is a little slower paced and simpler there...and it has an incredible impact on your perspective. The every-other-night power outages also give you more time to pray and to hear from God. As I reflect, it may be time for another trip...somewhere. After further review...and my next mission trip not until September 22nd...there is only one thing left to say:

"But Thou, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory and the lifter of my head!" (Psalm 3:3)

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