Monday, September 17, 2007

Old Friends

I remember, some years back, when Bill Gaither put out one of the first 'gospel' videos called, "Old Friends". Well, that's kind of how I felt last night singing and preaching at an old friend's church in a rural community in Eastern North Carolina. The congregation was splattered with people from the little country church and a slew of old friends from a place where I served while in seminary.

It did not take long for the 'request line' to form for all of the old favorites for which I was known to them. However, it did not take long for me to realize that these people held so many special memories in my life and their role in the formation of God's character in us. I had help bury some of their relative, I had ministered with others, and I had even led people to Christ paired up with a few. What investment they made in my life and family.

I am grateful for Pastor Ron believing in me enough to bring me here to preach and minister this week. He is the epitomy of a servant of God and a great friend. But also, after leaving here 7+ years ago, it sure has been awesome to touch some 'old friends' with some mutual love and appreciation for God's grace and sovereign providence in allowing us to become friends at all. I should never underestimate the importance of an encounter or place of someday they may be 'old friends' too.

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