Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Being Served

It may be one of the most difficult things for a type 'A' personality to go through...recovery from surgery. But it does reveal some incredible things about life. Being served is tough because you so desire to serve others. Seeing your kids get out of bed in the morning and they want to know what they can do to help you. Having your wife get out of bed to help you to the bathroom and then hook-up your cooling pump...and then rubbing your feet. Seeing too guys from church show up at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. to pray with you...and harrass you instead of getting a few extra winks of sleep. Having one of your golfing buddies take your kids to a football game and then bring you a set of crutches. And then hearing the people call to check on you...even if you are on 'crazy' pills and cannot speak coherantly. (I just took more so this should be short.) And then having a doctor who calls.

When you are on the receiving end, (this is my first surgery - knee injury), it certainly does encourage you to see the value of serving others even more. Thanks guys for helping through this little valley and showing the love of Christ so practically.

Better quit now. The 'pills' are kicking in.

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