Friday, July 27, 2007

Increase Our Faith

Recently, in my personal study, I was reading in Luke 17 as the disciples of Jesus were asking Him to "Increase our faith." I have been asking the same of the Master. Jesus responds with a message about the exercise of our faith in what may seem small acts of service that should be the natural outflow of our love for Him. He then goes on His way...healing ten (10) men.

Sometimes I find myself looking for some major sign that God is at work so that my faith will grow. Jesus responded to the disciples in verse 20-21, "The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There is it!' For behold the Kingdom of God is in your midst."

After spending the last four (4) days working with 24 teenagers in various mission projects here in the Greenville, SC area parks; I am very encouraged. These 'kids' opened up their lives with us to a community they did not even know through simple acts of service. I must say that the future of the church is bright if these are a picture of our future leaders. But most of all, I saw so plainly that God is at work all around us. He is changing and around the world. I found my faith has been increased just by stopping long enough to see it. By doing what should just come naturally...and noticing the the great healer of the soul is actively at work.

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