Monday, December 10, 2007

Finishing By New Years

I don't know about any of you, but I seem to struggle at finishing stuff. Things sound like good ideas, but life is so busy with good ideas that I often find it difficult to complete one good thing for something that may be perceived as better or more pressing.

A few weeks ago, one of my friends asked me to read a book. I really did want to read when he gave it to me, I committed to do it. I did it for two reasons...I wanted to and I knew he would ask me about it. The same thing has happened with a guy in my church. I began a study some months ago...but stalled after chapter 30. The other day, this guy (who also was reading along with me) asked me if I had finished. I had to admit that I had stalled in the process, but was grateful for his challenge...(he also had stalled at around chapter 25). I re-started where I left off today.

This process has left me with two thoughts: (1) My New Year's resolutions for this year are to finish a few things before New Years and before I commit to start others. And (2) I need people to hold me accountable...even for some things that may seem trivial. And if I need to be reminded of some of these important things, maybe you do as well. Hope this does me good to confess occassionally.

1 comment:

Sammy Clary said...

Hey man it was good to meet you today. If I can ever be of any help, feel free to let me know . Sammy