Monday, August 23, 2010

Am I Rescuable?

Wierd thought today. We are about to recognize the 5 year anniversary of the hitting of Hurricane Katrina. The video clips from New Orleans are popping back up again on the news. Pictures in my own mind of working in the shelters and rebuilding houses are pretty vivid again.

For some odd reason, it brought back the story of the man who was on his roof as the flood waters rose. He was crying out to God to save him. A boat came, a helicopter came...yet he would not take their offer of help. You know the story.

I was reading this morning in Psalm 22 and there was a repeated phrase that struck me, "Let Him deliver him; let Him rescue..." I was just wondering if there have been times in my life when I was crying out to God for deliverance and God sent it. However, in my own stubborness, I would not let God work out my rescue.

Wow! I hope this makes me more discerning and humble next time.